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    Newport Collection


    Furniture Cover San Remo Modular Sofa 2-seater

    86 €
    1-3 Tage


    Protect your outdoor furniture with a cover when not in use. The furniture protection gives the furniture a longer durability. It is water resistant and breathable to avoid condensation. The cover is made of 100% polyester and is intended to be used during the outdoor season to protect furniture and cushions against light rain and dirt. This furniture cover is suitable for:

    - San Remo sofa module armrest left
    - San Remo sofa module armrest right

    Dimensions: Width: 240 x 110 cm. Front edge height: 56 x rear edge height 68 cm.

    The cover is not reversible and is not recommended for winter storage of furniture. Make sure the cover is stretched and use the clips and drawstrings to fix the cover to avoid water pooling on the cover. The cover must not lie close to cushions or flat surfaces, such as table tops or the like.

    Make sure that air can circulate under the furniture and the cover to avoid moisture and mold. Furniture and cushions must be completely dry when the cover is put on. Clean with warm water and mild detergent, use a soft sponge and allow the cover to air dry. May not be machine washed.

    • Artwood

    • 63480

    • Bredd: 240 cm x Djup: 110 cm x Höjd framkant: 56 cm x Höjd: 68 cm

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    86 €