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    Newport Collection


    Frédéric Chaubin. Stone Age.

    79,5 €Preis ursprünglich99,4 €


    A Legacy in Stone

    Castles and fortresses of medieval Europe.

    Follow photographer Frédéric Chaubin as he embarks on a unique, century-spanning journey through Europe. Featuring images of more than 200 buildings in 21 countries, Stone Age presents the history and architecture of the most dramatic medieval castles of the continent in an unprecedented collection.Building on the success of his foray into Soviet design with CCCP, Chaubin once again documents the afterlife of highly rational structures that seem out of place in a modern-day world. Precursors of Brutalism, these castles value function over form and epitomize the raw materials and shapes that would go on to define so much of architectural history.

    Shot on film with a Linhof view camera, the collection is the outcome of five years of travel and investigation. Complete with a practical map and explanatory essay, its castles tell the story of 400 years, unfolding through the feudal Middle Ages into the 15th century.

    A photographic study of decay as much as endurance, Stone Age traces the history of some of these singular structures that continue to enchant their audiences today and that occupy a distinct, mystical place in our collective imagination.
    • Taschen

    • 56340

    • 416

    • H: 34,5 x B: 26,5 x D: 3,8 cm

    Die Standardversandkosten betragen 9,90 €. Für sperrige Artikel wie Möbel oder Spiegel betragen die Versandkosten 69 €. Die normale Lieferzeit beträgt 2–10 Werktage, wenn der Artikel auf Lager ist. Wenn der Artikel nicht auf Lager ist, beträgt die Lieferzeit normalerweise 10–15 Werktage. Sollte die Lieferzeit von der Norm abweichen, werden wir Sie per E-Mail oder Telefon über den neuen Lieferstatus informieren. Wir behalten uns das Recht auf einen eventuellen Schlussverkauf vor.

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    Der niedrigste Verkaufspreis für dieses Produkt in den letzten 30 Tagen ist 99,4 €

    79,5 €99,4 €