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    Newport Collection

    Thames & Hudson

    Vincent Van Duysen: Works 2009-2018

    70,3 €Preis ursprünglich87,9 €


    Since the release of his first monograph, Vincent Van Duysen has consolidated his reputation for buildings of exceptional spatial mastery and highly refined detailing, and built a growing international following. This beautiful companion volume presents thirty of the Belgian architect’s most recent works produced over the past decade, much of which has been exquisitely captured by renowned photographers Hélène Binet and François Halard. The buildings featured from this latest period include an array of elegant residences in Europe, New York, Paris and The Hamptons, as well as larger-scale commercial and public projects. Product and furniture designs, microcosms of the architect’s rigorous attention to detail, are also featured, including yacht interiors and objets décoratifs.With a foreword by close friend and Academy Award-winning actor Julianne Moore, the broader context of Van Duysen’s contribution to contemporary architecture is provided by architect Nicola di Battista and architecture critic Marc Dubois. An illustrated chronology provides a complete overview of the architect’s recent projects.Van Duysen has established a reputation as one of the world’s most refined and artful architects. This major new publication will further cement his uncompromising commitment to creating timeless places and spaces.
    • Thames & Hudson

    • 56870

    • L: 30,5 x B: 24,4 x H: 3,3 cm

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    Der niedrigste Verkaufspreis für dieses Produkt in den letzten 30 Tagen ist 87,9 €

    70,3 €87,9 €