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    Newport Collection


    The Rolling Stones. Updated Edition

    95,2 €Preis ursprünglich119 €


    It’s Just a Shot Away

    The definitive, illustrated history of the greatest rock 'n' roll band in the world

    The kind of fame and success The Rolling Stones have achieved in their 60-year career is without parallel; their most famous riffs and catchiest lyrics are indelibly engraved in our collective memory. With their mesmerizing on- and off-stage presence, the Stones set the standard for how a rock band should sound, pose, pout, and behave. They were the first to instinctively understand that what you looked like was as important as the music, and that photography had a vital role in promoting that image.

    “The clothes and the hair are always impeccable,” describes author Luc Sante. “They were playing themselves, but with such consistent finesse you knew they were instinctively aware of the camera and how good they will look in the photos.” Unsurprisingly many of the greatest photographers in the history of the medium wanted to take their picture.

    Produced in close collaboration with the band, this updated edition charts the Stones’ remarkable history and outrageously cool lifestyle in over 450 pages of photographs and illustrations, gathered from archives all over the world. Unprecedented access to the Rolling Stones’ own archives in New York and London adds an equally extraordinary, more private side to their story. For Mick, Keith, Charlie, and Ronnie this is their official photographic record.

    • Taschen

    • 56430

    • 466

    • 3,78 kg

    • 30 cm

    Die Standardversandkosten betragen 9,90 €. Für sperrige Artikel wie Möbel oder Spiegel betragen die Versandkosten 69 €. Die normale Lieferzeit beträgt 2–10 Werktage, wenn der Artikel auf Lager ist. Wenn der Artikel nicht auf Lager ist, beträgt die Lieferzeit normalerweise 10–15 Werktage. Sollte die Lieferzeit von der Norm abweichen, werden wir Sie per E-Mail oder Telefon über den neuen Lieferstatus informieren. Wir behalten uns das Recht auf einen eventuellen Schlussverkauf vor.

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    Der niedrigste Verkaufspreis für dieses Produkt in den letzten 30 Tagen ist 119 €

    95,2 €119 €