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    Newport Collection


    Helmut Newton: Sumo

    205 €


    The biggest, most lavish book production of the 20th century is back! SUMO was a titanic book in every respect: a 480-page tribute to the 20th century's most influential, intriguing and controversial photographer, breaking records for weight and dimensions. 

    Fifty people worked with Helmut and June Newton for three years to complete a book that weighed 30kg (66lbs). But size wasn't everything. Control and quality - printing, paper, binding - were all critical in making SUMO a worldwide publishing sensation, which is in many famous collections all around the world, including the Museum of Modern Art, New York. Now, 10 years after the original publication, SUMO is back in a more economical edition, but one with the same DNA as its unique progenitor. The original SUMO, edited by June Newton, featured over 350 pictures, most published for the first time, covering every aspect of Newton's outstanding career: from the stunning fashion images that influenced generations of younger photographers, to his powerful, erotic nudes and celebrity portraits. 

    Also included is a booklet with a 'making of' section, detailing the meticulous selection process, and the trial and error, experiment and innovation that went into creating the original SUMO, the book that redefined the photographic monograph.

    • Taschen

    • 45408

    • L: 40 x B: 28,5 x H: 6 cm

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    205 €