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    Newport Collection


    Makkah: The Holy City Of Islam

    1.400 €


    Embark on a journey through the heart of Islamic culture with Makkah, a must-read book for anyone seeking to explore this holy city. Considered a once-in-a-lifetime experience, a visit to Makkah immerses visitors in the traditions and religious significance that are so carefully woven into every aspect and architectural detail of the city.

    Discover the Ka'bah, the cube-shaped structure at the center of the Holy Mosque, believed to have been built by Adam and then rebuilt by Abraham and his son Ishmael. Every day, Muslims all around the world face towards the Ka'bah when they pray. This is just one of the many monuments explored in Makkah, providing readers with an exclusive look at the wonders found within the city.

    Experience the magic of Makkah with this must-read book.

    Complimentary white gloves and signature canvas tote bag are included with each purchase from Assouline's Ultimate Collection

    • Assouline

    • 94608

    • 190

    • L: 47 x B: 40 x H: 8 cm

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    1.400 €