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    Newport Collection


    Santiago Calatrava

    1.200 €


    One of the world’s most sought-after architects, Spanish-born Santiago Calatrava is the mastermind behind some of the most magnificent structures around the globe. Inspired by the human body and natural world, his works mimic the shapes and motions of organic entities, at times suggesting flight or spiritual uplift. This exquisite volume not only presents the architect’s most breathtaking masterpieces in architecture and engineering, drawing, and sculpture, but for the first time reveals his humanist spirit and eclectic intellectual curiosity, and allows us to discover his references, influences, and inspirations.

    From an opera house in his hometown of Valencia, Spain, to the Olympic Sports Complex in Athens, or the famous Turning Torso skyscraper in Sweden, Calatrava’s legacy as one of the foremost figures in contemporary architecture is undeniable. This book includes a catalogue raisonne of all the architectural creations of Santiago Calatrava.

    Complimentary white gloves and signature canvas tote bag are included with each purchase from Assouline's Ultimate Collection 

    • Assouline

    • 94604

    • 300

    • 39 cm

    • 9,07 kg

    • 47 cm

    • 7 cm

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    1.200 €