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    Vanessa Del Rio. Crumb Edition

    1.571 €
    Versandkostenfrei ab 69 €


    50 years of slightly slutty behavior

    A celebration of Vanessa del Rio

    Back in 1974, the sexual revolution was in full swing and the adult entertainment business was on the verge of becoming Big Business. Deep Throat had created America’s first porn star in 1972, but by 1974 Linda Lovelace was already retired and the industry was seeking the next big thing. Vanessa del Rio should have been that thing, except in 1974 there were no ethnic sex stars.

    Undeterred, Vanessa took any role they’d give her, because, amazingly, she was there for the sex more than the money. Fans, awed by her ferocious onscreen sexuality, made her a top box-office draw and America’s first Latina star. Retired since 1986, Vanessa del Rio remains a sexual icon who cuts across all ethnic boundaries.

    What her fans don’t know is that her real life was, and is, as wild as anything she did on film. In this sumptuous oversized Art Edition, TASCHEN celebrates a remarkably candid, confident, and exuberantly sexual woman. Presented through Vanessa’s own archive, in her own words, is a life at once shocking, titillating, amusing, and inspiring. And because paper and ink can’t do justice to a personality this big, an original 140-minute DVD documentary is included.

    Art Edition of 200 copies, each signed by Vanessa and accompanied by a signed fine art print of Vanessa by acclaimed artist Robert Crumb

    • Taschen

    • 66304

    • 396

    • 30 cm

    • 7,5 kg

    • 30 cm

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    1.571 €