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    Newport Collection


    Wine & Travel France

    166 €
    Versandkostenfrei ab 69 €


    The most illustrious country in the wine-producing world, France owes its unequaled reputation to many factors, as much geographical as historical and human. Anyone who travels across France cannot fail to be struck by the sheer variety of its landscapes, its soils, its local climates. From open pastures and meadows to gently sloping hillsides and from cliffs plunging into the sea to sandy beaches whose dunes stretch to infinity: France is a land of diverse terrain.

    Over the course of thirty years, World’s Best Sommelier Enrico Bernardo has visited the best vineyards of France, discovering some of the most innovative winemakers along the way. To develop this book and the entirety of Assouline’s Wine & Travel new series, Bernardo has embarked on a global wine tour of five years, including one whole year spent in France. He spent months discovering Champagne, the Rhône Valley, Alsace, the Jura, and all the other regions that make for the country’s fascinating landscape.

    With Wine & Travel France, readers embark on a journey through the picturesque French countryside, exploring renowned vineyards and discovering local gems: a historic restaurant, a tranquil market, or a local celebration brimming with surprises. Part of Assouline’s new Wine & Travel series, which explores emblematic destinations through the lens of wine tourism, this edition uncovers the twelve regions that shape France’s illustrious wine heritage, complemented by captivating anecdotes and a curated list of must-visit vineyards.

    • Assouline

    • 97186

    • B: 25,4 x L: 33 x D: 2,54 cm

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    166 €