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    Green Home Book

    55,4 €
    Versandkostenfrei ab 69 €


    Susanna Vento & Riikka Kantinkoskithe color of this book. This tome is full of blooming houseplants that will make you crave more greenery at home. But how do you take care of the plants? Don’t worry, in this book you’ll find easy and concise care instructions for over 50 elegant houseplants.Home.The houseplants in this book live in wonderful places. Leaf through the pages and get inspired by the beautiful homes, inventive home decor solutions and great atmosphere. On the pages of the book you can peek in to more than 30 individual Finnish homes.Book.Susanna Vento has made a long career as an interior designer, interior journalist and stylist. She has worked for interior magazines and with commercial pictures for more than18 years. In recent years the pictures have gotten more and more green in the hands of this self-taught green thumb.Riikka Kantinkoski is a recognized photographer whose photos are familiar from interior magazines, home decoration books and from her popularblog. Riikka loves the nature; it’s an important source of inspiration for her.
    • New Mags

    • 56188

    • H: 28 x B: 22 x D: 2 cm

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    55,4 €