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    Downton Abbey Cocktail Book

    31,3 €
    1-3 TageVersandkostenfrei ab 69 €


    With a foreword by Julian Fellowes, the writer and creator of Downton Abbey, and an introduction by food historian Annie Gray, this curated selection of recipes spans the world of Downton, from drawing-room party drinks to downstairs hangover cures and more. In addition to classic concoctions like a Mint Julep, Prince of Wales Punch and Ginger Beer, this collection features character-specific twists such as Downton Heir, Turkish Attaché, The Valet and The Chauffeur.

    Photographed using the original lead crystal used on set, each cocktail is guaranteed to raise your spirits, whether by channeling the verve of Lady Mary, the wit of Violet Crawley or the plain speaking of Mrs Patmore. With a brief history of each drink and peppered with quotes from Downton characters, the recipes are organized by the places the drinks were served: The library (stirred drinks and after-dinner drinks) The grounds (refreshing drinks) The great hall (party drinks) The drawing room (pre-dinner drinks and hangover helpers) The village (everyday drinks) With these cocktails, relish the rich traditions and flavours of Downton Abbey without end.

    • New Mags

    • 46272

    • L: 21,5 x B: 17 x H: 2 cm

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    31,3 €