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    Green Housekeeping

    30,3 €
    Versandkostenfrei ab 69 €


    Recipes and solutions for a cleaner, more sustainable homeChristina Strutt of Cabbages & Roses reveals how to have a calmer, healthier, eco-friendly home.Saving the planet for future generations is a laudable aim, but what about the current populace? Why wait when even quite small lifestyle changes can make a big difference now? Green Housekeeping is full of advice and information to help you take a more sustainable path. Recycling, reusing and shopping at farmers’ markets are a good start, but cutting down on the use of poisonous chemicals is just as important – it’s perfectly possible to clean a house using nothing more than lemons, bicarbonate of soda, vinegar and plain water. Here old-fashioned methods are complemented by newer ideas and innovations, and applied not only to cleaning but also to caring for clothes, furniture, and even silver and glassware. Growing some of your own vegetables, fruit and herbs can be very satisfying, and you can use any extras to make jams, oils and chutneys using the handy tips and delicious recipes. Make beauty preparations and bath oils, too, for soothing, effective treatments to enhance everyday health and wellbeing. To become eco-friendly doesn’t require self-sacrifice – just some readjustment; and by following the advice in this invaluable guide you will find yourself living a calmer, greener life.
    • New Mags

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    • H: 23,5 x B: 19 x D: 1,9 cm

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    30,3 €