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    Newport Collection


    Jamaica Vibes

    137 €
    1-3 TageKostenloser Versand


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    Surely the most stylish and cool island in the Caribbean, Jamaica is not only the cradle of reggae but also a favorite destination for James Bond. While there is no shortage of luxury villas and white-sand beaches, Jamaica offers something that other destinations lack: a vibrant culture, wholly its own. Overflowing with character, Jamaica has a strong sense of self, which was shaped over the centuries during its fight for freedom and independence.

    This national pride is reflected in the music, dance, cuisine and literature that originated in Jamaica but has since influenced people across the globe. The legacy of Bob Marley is intricately linked with the image of Jamaica, leaving an indelible mark on the country and the world. For novelist Ian Fleming, Jamaica was his creative incubator. At his home, GoldenEye, Fleming crafted one of the most well-known characters in the world, James Bond. Travelers can now walk in the footsteps of these titans of creative expression by touring 56 Hope Road in Kingston, Bob Marley’s former home, or by staying at GoldenEye. Whether you’re born and raised on the island, or just on a vacation, Jamaica’s influence is undeniable. Chris Blackwell, founder of Island Records, contributes a foreword to Jamaica Vibes, presenting an intimate, insider portrait of this vibrant island nation and its mesmerizing power.

    • Assouline

    • 69180

    • 304

    • L: 25 x B: 3,7 x H: 33 cm

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    137 €