Beliebte Suchanfragen

    Newport Collection


    My First Baobab Brussels Scented Candle

    63 €
    • null - My First Baobab Brussels Scented Candle
    • null - My First Baobab Brussels Scented Candle
    • null - My First Baobab Brussels Scented Candle
    • null - My First Baobab Brussels Scented Candle
    • null - My First Baobab Brussels Scented Candle
    • null - My First Baobab Brussels Scented Candle
    1-3 Tage


    The Brussels scented candle with its black and gold colored silk screen print is a tribute to the architecture of the Belgian architect Victor Horta. The candle gives a feeling of art nouveau, and the scent with a mixture of sandalwood cypress and honey will give a pleasant atmosphere in the home.

    Always let the candle burn until its surface is totally liquid. Once the wax is totally liquid, you can let the candle burn for a maximum of one hour. The layer of liquid wax should never exceed one centimeter in height. Never exceed the maximum burning time indicated on the instruction label, nor let it burn to the end. Systematically keep a centimeter of wax at the bottom.

    Burning time of the candle: 30 hours

    • Baobab

    • 53153

    • 9,3 cm

    • 9 cm

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    63 €